Thursday, February 3, 2011

Act 3

Scene one starts out as the Clown and Viola having a lengthy argument. However, when Olivia enters the scene and Viola, disguised as Caesario, goes to give Olivia a message, Olivia tells Caesario that she has fallen for him/her.
Scene two is a short conversation between Sir Toby Belch, Sir Andrew, and Fabian. Sir Toby Belch, jealous of Caesario, convinces Sir Andrew to challenge Caesario to a duel. However, Maria enters the scene, informing the gentleman that Malivio has "turned heathen."
Scene three turns to Sebastian and Antonio who has a short conversation on the money Sebatian borrowed from Antonio, and plans to give it back at a later hour.
in Scene four, Olivia calls for Malivio, but Maria warns her that he has "gone mad." However, Malivio is only following the instructions of the "love letter" which Maria forged. Nevertheless, when Olivia sees Malivio, Malivio starts quoting from the "letter" and Olivia thinks he is a gigantic queer. Furthermore, when Sir Toby Belch and Sir Andrew enters the scene, they think he has gone insane too. In addition, when Viola/Caesario shows up, she is challenged to a duel, however, Antonio, thinking that Caesario is Sebastian, offers to take her place. However, the guards see this a piracy and arrests him. Nonetheless, when he is being dragged away, he says to Viola to give him back his money, but Viola, not knowing what he means, says she does not know anything about it. Viola, hearing Sebatian's name, thinks that Antonio must have met Sebastian and her hopes begin to rise.

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